This organization is not possible without the generous gifts of people like you. The money you donate goes directly to helping change lives. All donations are 100% tax deductible. Current is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization incorporated in Florida. We are pleased to offer several convenient giving methods. Consider taking advantage of one of these easy giving options.
Shop Online
When you shop at our online store you are not only representing the cause but contributing as well.
Business Sponsorship
We realize that being a business sponsor of Current isn’t as glamorous as giving to the Red Cross, but at least you know every dollar is well spent. Won’t you consider aligning yourself with a non-profit organization that takes a positive message to those who need it most? E-mail Us.
Donate by Mail

If you’d like to donate by mail, send cash or checks to:
Current Initiatives
19046 Bruce B Downs Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33647
If you have any questions concerning ways to give, please contact us here.